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What Can Physiotherapy Help With?


Patient Education: Patient Education

What Is Physiotherapy?

Physiotherapy uses a range of different physical techniques to restore function and reduce pain.

Foot and Ankle

Ankle Sprain - Injury from twisting or rolling the ankle can damage the ligaments supporting the joint.

Plantar Fasciitis – Foot, heel or arch pain especially in the morning or with prolonged standing.

Hip and Knee

Hip Pain – Ligaments, muscles, bursae and nerves of the hip can be aggravated by different movements and forces.


Knee Injury – Twisting, direction change or impact can damage the ligaments, meniscus or muscles of the knee joint.

Neck and Shoulder

Neck Pain – Working, lifting, sleep position or stress could contribute to neck pain and stiffness.


Shoulder injury – The AC joint, rotator cuff, bursae or labrum can be injured through repetitive movement or sudden impact.

Elbow and Wrist

Tennis elbow – Repetitive movement, grip and lifting may aggravate the extensor muscles causing elbow or wrist pain.


Carpal Tunnel – Injury affecting the nerves of the hand can cause pain, weakness or sensation changes.

Back and Nerve Pain

Back Pain – Prolonged positioning or high pressure on the back can irritate the discs (or disks), facet joints, muscles or ligaments of the spine.


Sciatica – Back or hip injury can sometimes irritate the sciatic nerve causing pain or sensation changes in the hips and legs.


Nerve Injury – Circulation, movement and disease may influence the nerves causing pain, numbness, weakness or other sensation changes.

Arthritis and Joint Replacement

Arthritis – Pain and swelling of the joints may be a systemic or local wearing condition affecting specific joints (often knee, hip ankle or shoulder).


Joint replacement – Replaced knee, shoulder, hip or other joints require strengthening, range or motion and pain management techniques.

Fractures and Sports Injuries

Fractures – Different fractures heal on different time frames and will usually benefit from pain and swelling management and muscle conditioning.


Sports Injury – Sometimes the loads and forces involved in sports might stress a joint, bone or muscle beyond their threshold and lead to injury.

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